The Work
Decentralized leadership
Grounded in the tenets of Ella Baker, we educate and practice a relational and transformational leadership model as a counter-resistance to injustice within our workplaces and our personal lives.
Often leadership is presented with a central, iconic, charismatic leader at the helm. Deemed as the “mother of the Civil Rights movement,” Ella Baker committed herself to building group power rather than individualistic leadership. Decentralized leadership is rooted in grassroots activism. It believes in and nurtures the inherent gifts, talents, and aspirations of the collective.
Inspired by Baker’s philosophy and practice, Passion for the Possible believes that power should rest with the people because liberatory work is the responsibility of all of us! Leaders who are responsive to the moment, and work in partnership with their local and greater communities for mutual good, must be invested in supporting human-centered, relationship-centered, and equity-centered practices. Teaching this liberatory framework is the heart, head, and hand mission for Passion for the Possible.

“I have always thought what is needed is the development of people who are interested not in being leaders as much as in developing leadership among other people.”
– Ella Baker
Centering Relational Leadership
How are we committed to multiple perspectives? How are we being equitable and accepting of difference?
Do we consider involving folks within the vision-building process? Is the work meaningful?
How are we collaborating, processing, and reflecting upon our work? How are we focusing on the results in light of the process?
How are we developing confident individuals? How are we cultivating confident communities?
How are we holding to or keeping in tune to our values? How are we sustaining a culture of social responsibility, accountability, and equity?
Design your Experience
Ritual and community agreements can infuse your experience with meaning, create a container of solidarity within a group, and open up practices for deeper listening and trust-building.
Drawing from specialized movement practices such as Qoya, Yoga, and Applied Theatre, the invitation is to “be in your body” and experience an unlearning and relearning of self and community.
How do we show up to the biggest vision for the future if we are exhausted? Explore the “culture of busy” and “grind culture” coupled with collective resting and dreaming circles.
When we leverage difference, we have a mutual and collaborative benefit for which everyone gains. Discover how privilege, oppression, and institutional inequity are created and perpetuated in today’s society and how you as an individual have the power to reduce it.
Utilizing specialized dialogue styles, learn how to be fluent in speaking languages of appreciation and to recognize and combat the four horsemen of poor communication to become a better leader.

Palmetto Works is eternally grateful to Passion for the Possible for awakening new avenues of relationship building in, among, and between us and our community. We look forward to putting into practice those previously unnamed gifts that we have within us and our organization which will benefit us as we seek to transform our organization into one which genuinely appreciates and respects the assets of all of our stakeholders.
What You Can Expect
Fostering authentic commitment and genuine care in relationship-building.
Moving you from the mundane to the meaningful.
Using imaginative and creative methods to challenge the “way it’s always been done.”
Investing time and energy in looking at your company culture, business model, and organizational structure for the long haul.
Leaving you with a toolkit to continue your work towards building and sustaining a culture of resiliency.